Saturday, July 19, 2008

Same as before, but without the food coloring, and color adjustments in post.

oil in water 009

oil in water 017

oil water soap 020

oil water soap 022

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I used about half a cup of vegetable oil, and about a fourth of a cup water, with a bit of red food coloring. I placed the water/oil concoction, into a glass pie plate. I then used a clamp light attached to my camera's tripod, to light the concoction, from below, and at a slight angle.

Camera was my trusty 350d, and the lens, was actually two lens's... I reverse mounted my Canon 50mm F1.4 to my Sigma 105mm F2.8 Macro.

Once I got the photos into Photoshop, I used the "color balance" tool, to make all the colors as wacky as they are.
oil n water 104

oil n water 054

oil n water 076

oil n water 080

oil n water 107

oil n water 052

oil n water 126

oil n water 125

oil n water 121